Fat Loss Secret

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Healthy Weight Loss

Where to Start
1) Determine why you want to lose weight
2) Visit Weight Loss expert (See Below)

Losing weight is a self driven decision that You need to make.
Are You happy with your body weight? Not the magazines or your friends or your partner You?

Yes or No

If Yes live your life like every day is the last one.

If No read this article below

Dr Suzanne discovered that harmful crusty "plaque" builds up over the years in all of us - and which is the direct result of harmful chemicals, preservatives, pesticides, etc. deliberately placed in perhaps every food on the market (much of which is now suspected as being carefully and intentionally done so that people will continue to get fatter and thus sicker, and in order to make the food & drug companies richer!)
The result: This harmful plaque is responsible for your weight gain because is BLOCKS your body's natural ability to absorb proper nutrition - and which causes two (2) chief things to occur:
Your body starves no matter how much you eat - so by not
feeling satisfied you continue to stuff your face and get very
very fat (and eventually at the permanent cost of your
Your body thinks it's starving so your 'hypothalamus'
adjusts your metabolism to burn food much, much slower in
an effort to store food - thus making you even more and
more fatter than even before!
So it makes sense that if and when you REMOVE this unwanted "garbage" from lacing your 'insides,' you will naturally start dissolving the fat and "stored chunks of lard" that disfigure an otherwise more attractive and healthier frame and sexier body.
As if this 'plaque' goop weren't enough, Dr Suzanne identified multitudes of specific species of "parasites" (i.e., little worm-like "critters" - some which have 'fangs' but no eyes) living inside nearly 99.964% of all people's small and large intestines in the United States alone, and about 92.36% of people on average worldwide.
These parasites excrete (meaning they take a CRAP inside YOU!) a jelly-like "SLUDGE" they coats your insides and which is very, very harmful and extremely TOXIC!
Additionally, much like the plaque, they often steal your nutrition which in turn again causes your body to believe it's starving, and as a defense you continue even more just to get FATTER and FATTER!
These parasites usually end up dying (but not before laying millions of eggs!) -- and once they die they fossilize forming a coral-like barrier preventing your even further from absorbing the correct amounts of proper nutrition.
When these parasites are FLUSHED from your guts, you end up magically losing tons of fat and extra weight - and even WITHOUT making one slight change to your diet or how much you eat!
SHOCKINGLY, these same "little critters (as Dr Suzanne calls them) actually release chemical "messengers" that make you crave foods that you are not even supposed to eat at all!
People who get rid of the parasites, therefore, suddenly find that they no longer even desire the Cheetos, pork rinds, jelly-filled treats, and 10,000's of other equally deadly so-called "foods."
In the past 6 years alone Dr Suzanne has tested her amazing new discovery and "TOP SECRET Fat Loss Secret" privately with a select group of volunteers, and seen results that fall nothing short of the truly FANTASTIC!
For instance, a Chicago woman who weighed until recently a whopping 587 lbs and who had even been visited by a living-legendary diet and fitness guru (name withheld by request), but who after much direct assistance from him (the guru) was not able to shed even 1 lb, suddenly dropped 449 lbs from her body weight in under 5 months using Dr Suzanne's SECRET! -- and she didn't change or reduce one thing she regularly ate in her diet!
Now the woman weighs just 138 lbs, looks like a completely different woman altogether -- and as if that weren't enough, she became a swimsuit model for a well-known company! (But most importantly, this woman added who knows how many years to her life as a direct result of using Dr Suzanne's "Top Secret Fat Loss Secret!")
Another equally tearfully-joyous account was of a woman named Lisa Stephens from Ohio who was told her diabetes could "never" be cured or reversed -- and this by countless doctors.
After shedding over 156 lbs in just 91 days of having used this same amazing revolutionary breakthrough secret discovered by Dr Suzanne, her diabetes is gone completely and she no longer depends on insulin just to be able to survive!
These kinds of results are flooding Dr Suzanne's email each and everyday from all over the world (not just from North America -- which has by far the fattest population as a group).
And even though you like me recognize these results as both newsworthy and for the common good of humanity as a whole, there are some who are literally out to get the good lady doctor.
Recently investigators began carefully keeping an extra protective eye on Dr Suzanne after she received death threats from "individuals" purportedly connected to the vast drug empires and weight-loss food manufacturing companies.
It would appear on the face of it that Dr Suzanne's "Top Secret Fat Loss Secret" must really work, because if it didn't no one would care to bring her harm.
This would be akin to an inventor discovering how to make a car that runs on water instead of gas assassinated by the major auto manufacturers!
Investigators insist that the reason she received threats is largely because what she is doing may actually make people healthier, leaner, sexier and trimmer, as well as make them live longer fuller lives -- and as a result they stand to lose lots of money (possibly BILLIONS of dollars!!)
The BEST part of her secret is that it's nothing difficult to do, and it doesn't require a major change in either your lifestyle or diet.
In fact, "Nature's actually on our side" according to Dr Suzanne, as her solution to the arduous ills of fat and obesity is simply the ingestion of Nature's own 'protections' against both the harmful death-causing/obesity-causing plaque as well as the nasty little critters living in your bowels!
Anyone with anywhere from just a few extra pounds to those 100 lbs or more overweight must as a rule now secure for themselves Dr Suzanne's "TOP SECRET Fat Loss Secret" (and before someone tries to lobby against you ever discovering what's truly in it!)
I recognize a great thing when I see one -- and THIS SECRET is definitely the most amazing thing I've ever seen.
We all know that people are just getting fatter and fatter, and more and more UNHEALTHY - so this is a secret whose time is long overdue.
While many people may tell you to just stick to your diet, exercise to the point of exhaustion, etc, the naysayer will definitely be disappointed when they find out that Dr Suzanne's cure to obesity is completely NATURAL!
If you want the good doctor's secret for yourself and so that no one can ever take it away from you or steal out of your hands, then all you need to do is grab your own PDF copy here

FSFJMARKET writes on weight loss. You can learn more by visiting my blog, Do you want to Loose Weigt

Monday, October 27, 2008

Get the Body You want

Proper Nutrition = Slimmer, Fitter Body

If you want to lose weight, your first goal should be maintaining a healthy diet. Many people make the mistake of starving themselves, which leads to weight gain once they start eating properly again. Many more get suckered into weight loss programs that don't work.
A proper diet is basically common sense. Staying away from sugar and fat should be your main goal. Fruits, vegetables, poultry, fish and whole grains should be the staples of your diet. A multivitamin wouldn't hurt either.
You should also eat more than one meal a day. In fact, you should eat 5-6 portions of food, spread out evenly throughout your day. This will increase your metabolism and give your body enough food to run properly, without giving it too much, which inevitably leads to fat.
Exercise+More Muscle = More Calories Burned
Exercise is an essential component to weight loss. If you want to lose weight, you must burn more calories than you're putting into your body. Resistance training is the best way to ramp up your metabolism. The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn on a consistent basis.
How much exercise is enough?
As little as thirty minutes is enough to help you lose weight. Weight training can be done every second day. For example, you can lift weights on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Your body needs at least a day's rest in between to repair the damage to your muscles. However, you can work on your cardio in between lifting.

Be Adventurous
Try new things if you want to lose weight. For instance, maybe your system is overwhelmed with toxic buildup, and is in need of fiber or a body wrap treatment. Or, perhaps you have an iron deficiency and need supplementation.
Or maybe it's as simple as being physically adventurous. The next time your buddy asks you to go on a hike, say yes. You may enjoy yourself, and you'll be losing weight while you're doing something you enjoy. Join a class, such as a martial arts class, running club or baseball team. Losing weight doesn't have to be boring or dull-it can be fun.
With enough exercise, a proper diet and some positive thinking, weight loss can become a reality. If you want to lose weight, your best bet is to adapt a cleaner, healthier lifestyle. By doing so, there's no doubt that you'll enjoy a better quality of life.

If you truly want to lose weight, check out a few of these trusted sources: Detox & Fat Loss Body Wraps & Extreme Weight Loss
Brandon Walsh is an Ezine expert author in the fields of nutrition, weight loss, and healthy living and has over 225,000 published article views.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Brandon_Walsh

Quick Weight Loss

To many people losing weight quickly is of paramount importance. However quick weight loss plans harm you more than do good. They lead to loss of muscle and water instead of fat and the weight tends to re-accumulate. Here is a six-week plan that will help you lose at least 5% of the body fat and this can be repeated as often as you wish. At first you will lose muscle and water but as you progress through the plan you begin to lose fat. Healthy weightloss should be slow and consistent delivering small successes daily building momentum along the way and peaking at the right time when you reach your goals.
The six week quick weight loss plan.
Week one - Part one: Drink a protein shake supplement daily. This should be a mixture of 50% whey protein and 50% casein proteins and aim to drink this either between breakfast and lunch or lunch and dinner. Part two: Start an exercise program. This should consist of only stretching the major muscle groups so that you burn more calories and also prevent any major injuries.
Week two: Begin dieting by replacing one half of the any meal with the same protein shake that you started in the first week.
Week three: Replace a whole meal with the protein shake (60% whey and 40% casein). This amounts to an almost 500 calorie reduction per day.
Week four: Replace one half of another meal with the same protein shake consisting of the 60:40 mixture. This amounts to a further 250 calorie reduction.
Week five: Same as week four. Record the amount of weight you are losing. Never lose more than 4 pounds per week.
Week six: Add back the last 250 calories that you had reduced previously and stop the second protein shake.
With these steps you should be able to lose at least 12-18 pounds at the end of 6 weeks. This also depends on how active your exercise regime is.
Quick weight loss is possible and you need to make sure that you follow this above regime strictly. Get more information on a good Weight Loss Program and boost your efforts.
The author is an expert in weight loss and has successfully helped several people lose weight in his clinical practice. Read what he recommends Here and stay fit today!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Rajgopal_Venkataraman